Majdolen Istaiti

Joleen completed her Bachelor of Science in Biology at Tel-Aviv University, Israel June 2017. In February 2018 she joined the Gaucher Unit and the pediatric Hematology-Oncology Unit, as a clinical study coordinator; Gaucher Unit; the largest Gaucher Unit worldwide (over than 900 patients over 30 years). In 2019 she joined the International Working Group on Gaucher Disease (IWGGD) as the board secretary assistant, and in 2021, she gained her MBA degree in Pharma and Health System at the Ono-Academic College, Israel.
Her research work on Gaucher disease (GD) focuses on chaperone therapy for both Gaucher disease (neuronopathic and non-neuronopathic) and GBA-related Parkinson’s disease, digital health, patient-reported outcome measures, neuronopathic Gaucher disease focusing on type IIIC disease, and different patient’s registries.
She has been involved in all aspects of work related to patients with neuronopathic GD either coming from Israel, Palestinian authorities, and Jordan, since day one.