José Elías García Ortiz
Centro Medico Nacional Occidente, Mexico

Senior researcher and laboratory chief at Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Occidente, Guadalajara, MX and member of the Expert Board on Lysosomal Disorders – Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Past president of the Asociacion Mexicana de Genetica Humana (AMGH) and current president of the Red Latinoamericana de Genética Humana (RELAGH). Education/trainings: University of Coahuila, School of Medicine, MX, 1995. University of Guadalajara, MX: Master in Human Genetics, 2001; and Ph.D. in Human Genetics, 2003. Postdoctoral fellowship in the Laboratory of Genetics, NIA-NIH, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2002-2005.