Huma Arshad Cheema
The Children’s Hospital & Institute of Child Health Lahore, Pakistan

MBBS (Pb) 1984 with high honors & Dr Rahim Khan Gold Medal from University of Punjab Lahore
MRCP UK Pediatrics Feb 1992 Royal College of Physicians, London, UK
DPGN – Diplomat Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition with distinction and Gold Medal University of London UK Nov 1995
Current Position: Professor Emeritus Pediatric Gastroenterology-Hepatology & Nutrition. The Children’s Hospital & University of Child Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan
Honors / Awards & Distinctions
- Best graduate award from Fatima Jinnah Med Univ. graduated with 5 gold medals
- Editor of BMJ from south Asia
- Pioneered the Discipline of Pediatric Gastroenterology -Hepatology in Pakistan and became the first Prof of Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology in the country.
- Established First Fellowship Program for Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology in Pakistan and became the National Director Fellowship program in Pediatric Gastroenterology-Hepatology and Nutrition: College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP)
- Trained over 40 fellows in pediatric gastroenterology Hepatology to serve all over the country
- Established first RARE DISEASE CENTER in Pakistan at the University of Child health where children from all over Pakistan have access to diagnosis, treatment, genetic counseling and Prenatal testing
- Center has so far tested over 40000 families suspected of having genetic diseases and provided treatment to children with rare diseases
- Acted as Focal person Punjab Pediatric Liver and Bone Marrow Transplant program and pioneered the First Bone marrow Transplant center at Children’s Hosp. Lahore.
- Invited by Yale University Connecticut, USA as visiting Professor to speak to the faculty on “Rare Pediatric Liver Diseases in Pakistan– Challenges and Opportunities” in Sept 2016
- Received lifetime Achievement Award in 2019 at the the International conference of Genetic and rare diseases for life long dedication to research, global patient care and clinical counseling in the field of Lysosomal Storage Disorders. (Bogota Columbia 2019)
- Awarded President of Pakistan Gold Medal in Oct 2022 for meritorious services towards improvement of Child health in Pakistan
- Awarded Gold Medal by Pakistan Pediatric Association Punjab Sep 2022 for her meritorious services for children of Pakistan.
- Director Research and Head IRB Children’s Hospital Lahore. She has ongoing research collaborations with Prof Arndt Rolfs Germany, Yale University USA, University Children’s Hospital Munich Germany, and Boston Children’s Hospital. USA
- Chairperson Pakistan Pediatric Association Gastroenterology-Hepatology and Nutrition group
Experience (38 Years as Pediatric Gastroenterologist / Hepatologist/ Nutritionist)
- Professor / Consultant Pediatric Gastroenterology-Hepatology Children Hospital & Institute of Child Health Lahore Jun 2007-to Apr 2020 (13 years), Associate Professor (3Years) & Assistant Professor (6 years)
- Trained at Guy’s Hospital & St Bartholomew’s Hospital London UK (1991,1995), & Worked as Consultant Pediatric Gastroenterology-Hepatology at Asir Central Teaching Hospital KSA (1996-1998)
Research & Publications – World Renowned Researcher with more than 150 research publications & Book Chapters in International Journals, Invited speaker at World Ped Gastro Congresses, 2004 London, 2008 Brazil, 2012 Taipei Taiwan, 2016 Montreal Canada, and 2020 Copenhagen Denmark