Annamária Ditta Zobor

Semmelweis University, Hungary

Ditta Zobor MD, PhD, FEBO is a specialist in ophthalmology and genetic counsellor. She has been working in the field of inherited retinal degenerations (IRDs) and electrophysiology for two decades now and gathered profound knowledge and huge experience in one of the most renowned centers worldwide, the Institute for Ophthalmic Research in Tübingen, Germany. Under the supervision of Prof. Eberhart Zrenner, one the most important scientists of this field, she was the leading specialist of the outpatient clinic for years, where her knowledge in ophthalmology and qualification for genetic diagnostics and genetic counselling helped not only in the routine health care, but also in research projects. She has participated in large clinical studies focusing on novel therapeutic strategies for IRDs and published numerous papers on various subtypes, as well as on electrophysiological and morphologic hallmarks of these rare diseases. Since 2021, she has been appointed to associate professor in the Department of Ophthalmology at Semmelweis University Hungary, where she continues her work on IRDs and novel therapy options.